Monday, July 20, 2020


We spent last week in the mountains and as my 2 yr. old grandson says,'in grandpa's camping house'. It was hot here down under the Rockies so we went up into the Rockies, where it was 10-20 degrees cooler, cloudy most of the week with just the right amount of sunshine.
I spent the first 3 days sitting by the river knitting, reading and just plain listening...heaven!
Eric spent his time fishing and was honored to bring in several fish a day, all released back to the wild river of course. The last 2 days the littles came up and Betty declared at dinner, "I love camping, it is just so much fun." 
This little girl is at that wonderful stage where 'twirly' dresses are the end all. And I have material and time ! 
The magic of twirling!


Bonny said...

This is a lovely post! A camping house where it's cooler, sitting by the river listening, and twirling — they are all magical!

Jane said...

Oh twirling dresses, I remember them well and hope to make one for my granddaughter soon. Being up in the Rocky Mtns. sounds lovely as does sitting by the river and watching the world go by.

Mereknits said...

That is my idea of Heaven, water, family and peace. Stay safe.

Mary said...

I love twirling dresses! and the thought of being somewhere cool(ish ;-) with water flowing nearby. Do y'all make s'mores? I'm craving one just thinking about a cool evening!


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