Wednesday, January 24, 2018

28 JAN. 2018

(sorry about the blurry picture)

And the beat goes on…..
Lots of knitting going on, unfortunately I always forget to get finished pictures of completed knits. I’m talking about the vest (Shoreline Vest), I knitted for my youngest. Let me just say she was pleased with the vest and sported it all day…it looked great on her!!!!
Also, moved to the finished list, is a pair of overalls for No fuss Gus. They turned out great!, and much needed for the Women's March we all attended in Cheyenne. Let me just say the March was great and it was COLD, COLD!
I am moving forward with my EZ Guernsey sweater but have concerns. It looks big, too big. Will recheck my math and compare sweater to an already knit sweater. Any other suggestions will be gladly welcomed and appreciated. 
Somehow in all the activity of the past week, I completed a book! The Longmire series is one of my favs. Always interesting with twists, turns and a shocking end, now the wait begins for his next book.
Amazingly, I have five days with no young kids and I plan to sew! I have on the docket, little pants, hopefully a dress for me and borders to complete a quilt. A little hand quilting will be thrown in the mix for a well rounded weekend. 
My youngest ( here from Minnesota last week, she is one amazing lady and so good to see her), husband and I went to the movies. I am not a theater fan, love movies just not theaters. We saw the POST and it is well worth the time and money. I  must admit, more money was spent on Little IKes ( I think thats what they are called) and popcorn than any adults should eat in one sitting. The show stopping line in the movie for me :The press was to serve the governed, not the governors.


Alica said...

Your grandbabies are adorable! I love those little knitted overalls!

steph said...

loved loved loved that movie, too. what a strong woman.

very very cute pics of the babes!!!! :)


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