Monday, October 26, 2015


It has been a busy couple of days here at the Little House. First I had a huge scare that I ruined my laptop…ugh! I was oil pulling, ever heard of this ancient Indian practice? It is swishing oil in your mouth for 20 minutes everyday. I like to use coconut oil, doesn’t leave a weird aftertaste. While doing my oil pulling I was checking emails and all of a sudden I coughed, big time! Yup, I spit coconut oil all over my laptop…another big ugh! I quickly cleaned the laptop as well as I could and when I turned it back on-it worked. However the keys keep sticking a wee bit, though working. They loosen up the more I type, coconut oil stays in solid form at room temperatures, must be the cause of sticky keys.

Friday I was whipped, and got little done. Oh and it has been raining and cold around here-yeah and yeah again. So it was a great day to do nothing! A little sewing, a little knitting and a whole lot of napping!

Saturday was used to get laundry and some cleaning essentials done, you know…bathrooms, floors, dusting-the things that are not fun but need to be done. Then we headed up to Estes Park for a lovely dinner with some siblings of mine visiting here in Colorado.

Sunday, a day spent cooking for the week. I am going to try and only eat what I bring from home. Hospital cafeteria food is the worst! I think they make bad food to keep us needing a hospital. Good business idea for them, bad for my health, and me, not to mention the pocket book.

How was your weekend? Hope there was some time to get and enjoy some of autumn’s great colors.

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