Wednesday, April 8, 2020


**** Look at only the pictures if you do not care to read a total
rant post****

Haven't accomplished much knitting  this week.
It's been warm here, like really warm for April-70's! Aired out some quilts in the sun, starting  Spring Cleaning...maybe.
My spirit always soars seeing quilts airing in the warm sun and lordy I need to do things that helps uplift my spirit.

 It's been a week reeling in a pool of anxiety. My daughter, an OR nurse that has several years experience in ICU will most likely be sent back to the ICU to care for COVID-19 patients and the hospital does not have the appropriate PPE !
I am a retired OR nurse, and having taken
care of my share of patients with contagious diseases, I know it is part of the job, but the expectation is always that the hospital will provide the necessary appropriate
PPE. Yes, the hospital doesn't have enough PPE and yes, this is due to the complete failure of trump and his administration! I no longer have words for how much I loath this man, it's close and personal now and I hold him responsible!

Having said all that, all I can do is keep busy and busy I have been. 
Canned 9 qrts chicken stock and making masks for family and friends, cleaning and then some more cleaning, cooking, cooking and cooking again. Shedding tears, then sewing, cooking and cleaning some more. This activity is solely driven by anxiety to wear me out by the end of the day so I can sleep at night! 

Praying that my children, all children are kept safe and navigate this crises safely and with courage. 


Bonny said...

I love seeing your quilts, and the results of your industriousness in the form of chicken stock and masks. I will add your daughter to my growing list of people I am keeping in my daily thoughts and prayers (and I feel the same about that man).

AsKatKnits said...

Oh boy. My heart aches for you, your daughter, and all healthcare workers in similar situations. I have been lifting them all in thought and prayer. I am with you that this administration is liable for so much of this disaster - did they make the virus come here? No... but they have done nothing to get ahead of this situation. nothing.

Jane said...

Your quilts do lift the spirits. I couldn't agree with you more about this administration. I have all the health care workers in my thoughts and prayers these days. Take good care.

Mereknits said...

My friend has a daughter that is a trauma surgeon in Miami, she also is experiencing a shortage of PPE. I am with you on t e loathing, and that is a nice word to use when it comes to another incredible failure by our government, yet still people love him and I cannot fathom why? Stay safe.

karen said...

praying that your daughter is blanketed in protection!! I think it's worse being a mom worrying about an adult child as opposed to ourselves.


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